There are a few methods to run this software. For Mac OS X and Windows users, simply double click the icon of UnicodeRewriter.jar to run the application. If this method does not work, you can edit (for Unix) or UnicodeRewriter .bat (for Windows) and run the scripts.
Unicode Rewrite can run in 2. The first is command line mode which behaves similarly to ID3iconv. The second is graphical mode.
If a parameter is passed to the application, Unicode Rewriter will run in command line mode. The syntax is:
UnicodeRewriter [-options] mp3-files
Options can be the following:
-e encoding Specify original tag encoding.
If not specified, system default encoding will be used.
-p Dry-run. Do not actually modify files
-v1 Force using v1 tag as source, even if v2 tag exists.
Default is using v2 tag.
-removev1 Remove v1 tag after processing the file
-q Quiet mode
-d Output debug info to stderr
-h Show this help information
-l Show the license information
Whatever the encoding is supported by the Java virtual machine, the encoding is supported. Please see Supported Encoding for the list of supported encoding.
MP3 files can be 1 or more MP3 files.
If there is no parameter is passed to the application, Unicode Rewriter will run in graphical mode. Please note that some information is shown at the console.
User must specify the MP3 files to convert. By pressing "Browse" button, user can choose MP3 files and add to the list. On the other hand, files can be dragged and dropped to the list. List can be removed by pressing "Remove" button. There is an option that folders can be handled recursively. By pressing "Convert" button, ID3 tags of MP3 files in the list are read using the encoding specified by the field "Source Encoding" and then converted to Unicode. When Unicode Rewriter is started, the system default encoding is used. However, additional encoding can be selected from "Encoding" menu. If the desired encoding cannot be found, user can type the encoding directly. Please see Supported Encoding for the list of supported encoding.
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